

I saw on the news yesterday that the British government are pressing ahead with Fracking.

I wonder why our government is charging ahead? Other countries in Europe are adopting a much more cautious approach, some even banning it. I am not an expert on Fracking, but I have heard there are problems in other places with methane contaminating the water supplies. In my uninformed ignorance I wonder what else is happening as a direct result of Fracking that we are not being told about. Withholding details and factual information is typical of our government, very much " there, there dear nanny knows best " approach. Are they truly of the opinion we are not analytical, thinking human beings?

What I wonder is,  if problems exist elsewhere, why does our government think we can do any better? Our track record for getting things right isn't exactly exemplary, and some of our scientific 'experts' on other topical issues, in the past have, on occasion, been shown to be less than expert.

There is growing mistrust and scepticism among ordinary people, accompanied by a little fear. Many people are now quite rightly getting more involved in deciding what they are prepared to accept. Once Fracking is in place, it is there for the duration, contamination and all.

I can only ponder that in general, the scientific age has succumbed to the mighty dollar, supported by governments, this, at the expense of humans, animals and plant-life alike.

Our lives in their hands?

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